Print ISSN: 0972-1452
Author Guidelines
A. Research Paper
- Language: English
- Length of paper: The manuscript typed in double-space, preferably on A4, with substantial side margins must not exceed 15 pages or approximately 5,000 to 6,000 words, including references and footnotes.
- Title Page: The title page must be a separate page before the main text of the manuscript. It must include the following information:
Title: Concise and informative title, avoiding abbreviations.
Author(s) name and affiliation: Indicate the:
- First name and family name
- Author's institutional affiliation, and address
- Full postal address, including the e-mail address, and telephone number of each author
- The 16-digit ORCID of the author(s)
Corresponding Author: Indicate the name, telephone numbers, e-mail address and complete postal address of the corresponding author.
- Abstract: An abstract, not more than 250-300 words with brief details of the theme, objective, research method, main findings and conclusion to be attached to the manuscript. It must be a single paragraph without any sub-headings and citations/references.
- Keywords: A minimum of six keywords that highly represent the research content of the manuscript
- Subdivision of the article: Divide the article into sections/ subsections with proper numbering, 1, 2, 3.
Manuscripts must be organized in different sections as follows:
Starting Section
· Title page: List title, authors, and affiliations with contact details including postal address and email as the first page of the manuscript
· Abstract and 6 to 7 keywords
· A brief introduction, briefly defining the aim and relevance of the topic
Middle Section
· Methodology /Materials and Methods (optional depending on the discipline) (elaborating on the main data sources, sampling, data collection tools, methods of analysis, etc.)
· Results and Discussion
· Conclusion (optional)
Concluding Section
· Acknowledgment(s), if any
· Notes and references
· Supporting information captions (if relevant)
Other Information
· Figures/ photographs/ diagrammatic representation/ flow charts/ (if required) with proper numbering and captions
· Sources of the figures/ photographs/ diagrammatic representation/ flow charts adopted/ adapted from secondary sources may be mentioned taking into account the copyright issues
· Tables (if required) with proper numbering and captions
· Sources of the tables from secondary sources may be mentioned taking into account the copyright issues
- Abbreviations: Abbreviations must be defined at first mention and used consistently.
- Endnotes: Endnotes can be used to give additional information, which may include the citation of a reference included in the reference list.
- Acknowledgments / Sponsoring information (if any): Please indicate, if the research is sponsored or supported by any organization/ institution. Acknowledgements of individuals, grants, funds, etc. must be mentioned in a separate section on the title page; however, the relevant details of the funding agencies must be complete.
- Table and Figures (if any): Tables and figures (if any) may be placed at the end of the manuscript. Please note that the journal is published in black and white.
- Tables: All tables must be numbered using Arabic numerals and must be cited in text in consecutive numerical order. For each table, a table caption elucidating the context of the table must be provided. Footnotes to tables must be specified by superscript lower-case letters and included below the table.
- Figure/photograph numbering: All figures/ photographs must be numbered using Arabic numerals. Figures must be cited in the text in successive numerical order. Figure/ photograph parts must be indicated by lowercase letters (a, b, c, etc.).
- Figure/photograph captions: Each figure/ photograph must have a concise caption describing accurately what the figure/photograph depicts. Good quality/high-resolution figures/ photographs must be submitted within the text.
- References: Author(s) must follow the latest edition of APA/MLA style in referencing.
- Citations in the text: It must be ensured that each reference cited in the main text is also placed in the reference list (and vice-versa). Citation in the abstract must be avoided. Unpublished results and personal communications must not be included in the reference list but may be mentioned in the text.
- Reference list: References must be listed alphabetically and if required, may be arranged chronologically. More than one reference of the same author(s) in the same year must be pinpointed through letters ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, etc., placed after the year of publication.
- Submission checklist: Before submitting the manuscript, the author(s) must ensure that the:
- Manuscript has not been published earlier, nor is it under consideration with any other journal
- Manuscript is submitted in MS Word file only
- The manuscript has been prepared following the author’s guidelines
- Author(s) did not mention his or her name and affiliation in the main text
- Author(s) has gone through the terms and conditions of the journal and the same are acceptable to them
- A report of plagiarism check
- Permissions: Authors who want to include figures/ tables/ text passages that have already been published elsewhere must obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) while submitting their manuscripts, and provide proof that such consent has been obtained.
Important Note: When submitting a manuscript, authors should include their ORCID numbers, which will be published with the manuscript once the same is accepted. Hence, Summerhill: IIAS Review encourages its contributing authors to create an Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier (ORCID) account before submitting a manuscript.
B. Book Review
Title: It should present a title in the form 'Review of "book title" by [book's Author(s)]. Give the full names and institutional addresses of all authors.
Book details: Give the full reference to the book under review (including name of publisher, place of publication, ISBN and number of pages).
Main text: A book review should not exceed 1500 words. It should not include a chapter-by-chapter analysis; rather, it should remark on and contain the reviewer's ideas about the book, stressing areas of interest and presenting the reviewer's views that encourage others to read the book. When writing a book review, the following points must be taken care of and the reviewer must comment on the author’s expression and creativity of the subject and theoretical framework, presentation, explanation and rationality of the content, writing style and academic contribution within a specific area or body of literature.