The preprint server is a digital repository of articles in the field of Humanities and Social Science submitted by the Fellows, Guest Fellows, seminar participants, invited speakers, and Associates of the Institute which have not been published. It is a platform dedicated to the scholars associated with the Institute and making early versions of research outputs permanently available. The objective of the establishing preprint server is to disseminate the knowledge and make it searchable for the benefit of the academic community. You can search our preprints using our search page and give your comments.
- Sociology
- Gender Studies
- Media
- Psychology
- Language
- Geography
- Science
- Arts
- Law
- International Politics
- Computer Science
- Journalism and Mass Communication
- Environment Studies
- Commerce
- Social Science
- Physical Education
- Mathematics
- Music
- Statistics
- Economics
- Education
- History
- Literature
- Philosophy
- Political Science
- Religion