Author Guidelines

Submissions sent up to March are being consisted for the june issue. Theme for the december issue will be announced shortly. Please do not send in submissions before the theme is announced.



This style sheet is intended as a guide for authors submitting a manuscript to the Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (SH&SS) and as an aid to the preparation of the final copy of accepted articles.


  • Manuscripts should include the name and the institutional affiliation of the author(s).
  • Manuscripts (only in English) should use British spelling and typographical conventions.


  • There should be no line spaces between paragraphs. Each new paragraph should be indented except for the first paragraph.
  • Notes and References should be listed at the end of the main text.
  • Manuscripts should be typed in Times New Roman, font size 12, each page numbered.
  • A one-paragraph abstract (upper limit 100 words) must accompany the submission.

Punctuation and abbreviations

  • Single quotation marks should be used to enclose actual quotes from your own text or for technical terms when they are first introduced. On subsequent mention of technical terms, no quotation marks should be used. Excessive use of quotes should be avoided.
  • Double quotation marks are used to enclose quotes within text which is itself quoted.
  • Latin abbreviations such as ‘i.e.’ or ‘e.g.’ are acceptable only in expressions within parentheses, as here: ‘adjectives which collocate with fare (e.g. wholesome, simple, country) …’ Elsewhere, they should be replaced by their English equivalents, ‘that is’ or ‘for example’. Italic should not be used for such abbreviation or for such common Latin expression as ‘ad hoc’, et al., etc.
  • Numbers up to 9 and vaguely expressed numbers should be spelled out in words. However, any numbers in a statistical context, precise numbers, units of measurement, and numbers above 100 should be stated in figures.